This article is to share you with how to turn a pillow into something all your own.

DIY: Knot Pillow Cover

Jul 03, 2017Phoebe Tsang

We spend most of our time in the air-conditioned room in hot summer. Air condition can bring us coolness, but sometimes it will be a little colder. Therefore, a pillow is one of the articles we need. Today, I'm going to share you with how to turn a pillow into something all your own.

What you need:

  • Pillow
  • Fabric (choose the one you like)

Step 1: Lay the pillow on the fabric.

Step 1

Step 2: Fold the fabric so it meets halfway on the pillow.

Step 2

Step 3: Fold the ends like wrapping a present, into points.

Step 3

Step 4:Knot it.

Step 4

Step 5: Tuck the ends in.

Step 5

Are you ready to make your own pillow? 

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