As the weather is getting warmer and warmer, I know that the step of upcoming summer is approaching. It's time to get your new-season look now. The following are some of our new arrivals of April.
With a breezy and pretty sleeveless dress, I can dance in the upcoming hot summer.
Short Sleeve Dress
Fashion can always date, but if a woman has elegance, she doesn’t date. Pretty dresses to give you an elegant feel.
# 2 Thin Coat
I dress according to what suits me and what I am comfortable in. An effortless thin coat and a sleeveless dress is an OOTD for summer, especially when you are under the air-conditioner.
# 3 Shirts/Tops
A lovely shirt make a lovely day. Start a lovely day with a lovely shirt.
# 4 Pants
When I’m relaxed, comfy jeans or lovely jumpsuits are my favorite style.
# 5 Suits
Just simple things - I like black, white and gray; I like suits, as it is effortless.
# 6 Shoes
Give a lady the right shoes, and she can conquer the world. Just put on a pair of comfortable flat shoes to conquer the world, lovely ladies.
Komentarze (2)
I want to buy you’re vintage summer (Stroh) hat. I can t find it? Maybe you can help me please
I am looking for pants in autumn slim T range but i am unable to findit in the catalog. Please assist as i would like to order them.Thank you